Tableau Prep is a powerful tool for cleaning and shaping data. One of its weaknesses is that it can be slow on a desktop computer. There are a number of reasons for that (computer memory limitations, size of data source, complexity of steps, etc.). One of the ways that Tableau Prep conducts these performance issues is to sample your data automatically.

Sometimes, users need to see the same data multiple ways to develop thorough insights. Providing your user the ability to switch worksheet types (e.g. swap a map for a bar chart) is a great way to provide them with flexibility in analysis!

One of my favorite tricks in Tableau dashboarding is to allow users to swap worksheets! You can hook a parameter up to a calculation which filters/swaps between multiple sheets in a Tableau dashboard.

How do you join two tables together in Tableau when they don’t share the same common field? Or what if that common field is slightly different in both tables? A Join Calculation can help solve a lot of those problems! In this video, we take a look at how to use a join calculation to join tables with mismatched fields.

Does your dashboard feel cluttered because you're trying to communicate too much supporting information to your user? Making sure you cover everything your user needs to know can leave your output feeling more like an essay than a data-driven dashboard.

Info buttons are a staple of Tableau dashboards. They allow you to pack so much additional information to a dashboard without cluttering the view for users.

Do you know the difference between measures and dimensions in Tableau? How about discrete and continuous fields? These are common points of confusion for Tableau Desktop users. Knowing the difference allows you greater control and customization as you leverage fields for visualization in Tableau. In this video, we review what you need to know to use discrete and continuous fields to build the visuals you want to see!