Swap Between Measures with Different Number Formats in Tableau

By: Oliver Linley

Ollie lives in Cape Town, South Africa, and is passionate about all things data - and all things Tableau! If you have a question, feel free to reach out to him directly via email.

Normally, when using a parameter to swap between measures, you're limited to using a single number format in a text table. But what happens when using the same number format makes no sense?

In our example, we're swapping between Total Cost (reported in $) and Visits (a count). We don't want to report Visits as a dollar-denominated amount, and we don't want Total Cost to be reported without a dollar symbol! So what can we do?

This week's video will walk you through three elements:

  1. A parameter to swap between our measures

  2. A calculated field (with a little trick worked into it!)

  3. A custom number format

And voila! Now we're coloring our highlight table with two different colors and two different number formats!

Want help setting something like this up? Book an hour with Ollie! Want to dive deep into Tableau? Check out our upcoming Tableau classes!


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