All tagged Level of Detail Calculations

FIXED Level of Detail Functions (LODs) let you specify the level of detail you want to aggregate a particular measure at. This allows us to work around the natural limitations of the level of detail in the worksheet we're working in.

FIXED LODs are a great place to start as they are the definitive, essential LOD. The two others (EXCLUDE and INCLUDE) are less common, but functional in their own unique ways. If you want to simplify and just learn one LOD type, FIXED is the one for you!

I recently got an email from a former student explaining that they were trying to recreate something similar to the image below in Tableau.

The trouble she was running into was recreating the total header called “Planned Cost by Perf”. If you try to use a measure as a discrete header, you end up with the value summed for each partition. Here is an example using Superstore data: