Simplifying the Complex

It’s easy to be more complex than necessary. It’s hard to be simple and succinct. As Mark Twain said, “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” The same is true in the world of data analysis.

Most people just want to know: “based on what’s happened (data), what should I do next?”

Communicating action-oriented data in a concise manner is the key to success. At OneNumber, our goal is to help simplify the complex. We want to help increase the adoption of your data communication efforts by making things more actionable and easier to grasp.



We worked with a business solutions company that wanted to improve their quarterly business reviews with clients. They many detailed dashboards with information like what types of printers their clients had and how much volume they were running. Here’s one of those dashboards.


We spent time working with them to better understand what they were trying to accomplish with these reviews. In essence, they wanted to sell more by creating equipment recommendations to their clients based on current usage of printers and copiers.

We redesigned their dashboards together to more simply and concisely accomplish this goal.

We started by creating an efficiency score. The efficiency score is a singular number, on a scale of 0-100, that indicates to the client how healthy their fleet of devices is. This score takes into account things like device age, print volumes, and how often devices needed to be serviced. As you can see in the below example, they client got an 83. Pretty healthy overall with room for improvement.


Next comes the actionable part. The client can drill into the details to find those opportunities for improvement. Hovering over with a tooltip reveals critical information like how much volume those devices are running compared to the manufacturer’s recommendation.


According to this client, this approach totally transformed the way they sell and has allowed them to increase their sales significantly.


At OneNumber we can:

Help rethink what you are communicating and how that will lead to meaningful outcomes for your business.

Clearly communicate how to use data preparation and analysis tools in a simple manner.


Need more help?  Please contact us at



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