All tagged Tableau Public

If you want to use Tableau for free and don't need to ensure your data is perfectly private, you can use Tableau Public! This free-to-use option is perfect for Tableau newbies, testers, or people working for organizations where expensive Tableau licenses just aren't possible.

In this video, we'll see how to build a dashboard from scratch: from connecting to data, to building worksheets, to adding actions, and finally, to publishing it.

Can you make a Tableau Public dashboard private? Kind of!

In this video, we’ll look at a great alternative to hosting a dashboard on Tableau Cloud! You don’t need to purchase multiple licenses for the viewers of your dashboard. All they need is the URL!

While not as secure as a Tableau Cloud solution, hosting a private dashboard on Tableau Public can be a viable alternative if your data isn’t extremely sensitive, or you have a large viewer-base.