12 Essential Skills for Every Excel User

By: Oliver Linley

Ollie lives in Cape Town, South Africa, and is passionate about all things data - and all things Tableau! If you have a question, feel free to reach out to him directly via email.

Where do you begin with Excel? It's a tool so widely used that everyone assumes you know how to work your way around it! But for those of us just starting out, it can be really intimidating to work out where to begin.

This video will walk you through 12 essential Excel skills that everyone should know, from Beginners to Experts! With these 12 skills, you'll be equipped to get started on your first Excel workbook, or to upgrade the workbook you're working on.

Want help with something like this? Book an hour with Ollie! Want to dive even deeper? Check out our upcoming classes!


Here are the timestamps for the unique skills demonstrated in the video.

0:28 Creating Excel Tables

2:48 Filtering and Sorting

4:52 Freezing Rows and Columns

6:38 Field Formatting

7:56 Conditional Formatting

10:44 Aggregation Functions

12:22 IF Function

13:40 COUNTIF Function

14:54 CONCATENATE Function

15:58 Date Functions

17:08 PivotTables

19:52 Creating Charts

20:47 Inserting Slicers

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