How to Validate Join Results in Tableau Desktop

By: Eric Parker

Eric Parker lives in Seattle and has been teaching Tableau and Alteryx since 2014. He's helped thousands of students solve their most pressing problems. If you have a question, feel free to reach out to him directly via email. You can also sign up for a Tableau Office Hour to work with him directly!

When joining two tables in Tableau, have you ever wondered any of the following questions?

  • Is the join working?

  • Is the join resulting in data duplication?

  • Am I losing rows of data due to the join type or join clause?

Tableau Desktop doesn’t provide the rich information that Tableau Prep does when joins are created. By default, it doesn’t tell you which values matched or didn’t, how many rows were joined, or how many rows of data the result set of information contains.

However, most of this information is available with some creativity and legwork. Check out the video below to learn a few tricks you can utilize to assess your join results in Tableau Desktop.

You can download a copy of the workbook I used for examples on Tableau Public here.

You can download a copy of the Excel workbook I used in the example here.

Need help with your data preparation? Sign up for an office hour and we can work on it together!

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