How do Tableau Groups Work?

By: Eric Parker

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Eric Parker lives in Seattle and has been teaching Tableau and Alteryx since 2014. He's helped thousands of students solve their most pressing problems. If you have a question, feel free to reach out to him directly via email. You can also sign up for a Tableau Office Hour to work with him directly!

Groups in Tableau are great. They can be used for a variety of purposes including;

  • Cleaning up data.

  • Consolidating values into segments which don’t exist in the underlying data.

  • Identifying patterns.

  • Creating new geographic entities.

However, did you know there are at least 3 different types of groups you can create? Which type is the best fit for you depends largely on your situation and data.

Check out the video below to learn about the different types of groups you can create to learn about their unique properties and which might be best for you!

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