How to Use Your Personal Values (and Data) to Make Better Decisions

By: Kirk Olson

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Kirk Olson is a founding member of OneNumber. After many years of working with NCR and HP and starting several of his own smaller companies, Kirk brings a variety of insights to organizations looking to launch new products and overhaul processes. He lives in Seattle and can be found running marathons and cheering on his favorite baseball teams in his downtime.


We all have to make decisions in life. Some of those decisions are small and have minimal impact (e.g. What should I wear to work?), but some of those decisions have significant, long-term impact.

Traditional methods for making these decisions include creating Pros and Cons lists, consulting trusted advisers, and “going with your gut”.

At OneNumber, we’ve developed the “Values Game” to help weigh options based on our values. It provides feedback and certainty in making decisions, knowing that the choice we select most closely aligns with our values.

Here are some big decisions you might face in your personal life:

● What career should I pursue?

● What job should I take?

● Where should I live?

Please join us for a 45 minute, free webinar on September 12th at 9:00 AM PT to learn how to use this game to make decisions based on your own personal or corporate values to provide confidence in your decision making.


Quarter Versus Previous Quarter (Quarter over Quarter) Calculation in Tableau

Tableau Error: All fields must be aggregate or constant when using table calculation functions or fields from multiple data sources