Show/Hide Columns in Tableau with a Parameter!

By: Oliver Linley

Ollie lives in Cape Town, South Africa, and is passionate about all things data - and all things Tableau! If you have a question, feel free to reach out to him directly via email.

Have you ever been asked to include a table of data that’s way too detailed for the dashboard you’re working on? Sometimes we really just want to see all the numbers. But we might not necessarily want to display all that information at once.

That’s where a Show/Hide option could be effective. Using a parameter, we can enable our end-users to select whether they want to see all the data in the underlying table, or just some summary data (like some total columns).

All you need for this to work is: a) a Boolean parameter, and b) a simple calculated field.

I’ll walk you through exactly how to do this in this week’s video!

Want help setting something like this up? Book an hour with Ollie! Want to dive deep into Tableau? Check out our upcoming Tableau classes!


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