Building Geographic Maps in Tableau for Beginners

By: Oliver Linley

Ollie lives in Cape Town, South Africa, and is passionate about all things data - and all things Tableau! If you have a question, feel free to reach out to him directly via email.

Have you ever wanted to display your data in a map format but aren’t quite sure where to start? Or do you want to learn how to get the most of Tableau’s default mapping features?

You don’t need a lot of intricate geographical data to start building maps in Tableau!

In this week’s video, we break down the fundamentals of mapping in Tableau. We look at filled maps, shape maps, and briefly introduce some advanced concepts like shape files and hexbin maps.

Mapping in Tableau is a bit like a blackhole… Do any of us truly know how far it goes? We know that there are loads of awesome mapping formats that we can’t cover in one video, so if there’s a particular map-type that you’d like to learn some more about, feel free to let us know and we’ll be sure to produce some more content around that!

You can access and download the Tableau Workbook from the video here.

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